
Saturday, January 18, 2025

PANHARD Semi Remorque citerne Titan - Dinky Toys 32C and 32CB

 Tracteur Panhard avec remorque Titan

Panhard 32C ESSO (DINKY TOYS Original Mint)

Panhard 32C ESSO (DINKY TOYS Original Good )

Panhard 32CB SHELL (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32CB LUCAS OIL (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32CB NAPHTEX (DINKY TOYS Atlas Original)

Panhard 32C FINA (DINKY TOYS Original Modified)

Panhard 32CB ANTAR (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32CB GULF (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32CB NATIONAL (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32C/CB MOBIL (DINKY TOYS Original-Remorque-
 et Atlas-tracteur- Modified)

Panhard 32CB TOTAL (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32CB BP (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Panhard 32CB Movie DUEL  (DINKY TOYS Atlas Modified)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Hispano Suiza

Hispano suiza was founded at the turn of the 20th century by the Swiss engineer Mark Birkigt with some Spanish investors. Based in Barcelona the company built cars and engines and with the start of WW1 they specialized in aircraft engines. After the war they become famous for their luxurious cars with bodied designed by the best coach builder such as Franay, Hibbard and Darrin, etc... In 1923 the French arm of the company was created and become soon the main factory as Paris was at the time were the market for such vehicle was. The direction of Hispano Suiza remained in Barcelona. The 1936 Spanish civil war and WW2 created too many problems and the Spanish company slowly disappeared. By 1937 the French Government took over the French arm who used it to produce Aircraft engine and military equipments. Hispano Suiza still exist and merged in 1968 with the French aerospace company SNECMA.